Il lupo

Sinossi (progetto in sviluppo)
Abruzzo, 1943.
Due giovani fratelli, Santina e Vittorio, vivono in una piccola cascina al limitare di un bosco e attendono il ritorno dalla guerra del padre. Aiutati solo dal loro legame, da qualche vicino e dalla lettura di romanzi di avventure lontane, si trovano a dover affrontare indirettamente la guerra ospitando in casa un giovane soldato straniero ferito. Si tratta di un nemico, un mostro, un lupo mannaro, o è un ragazzo non così diverso da loro?
Vivere e sopravvivere agli eventi in quei tempi difficili li porterà a scoprirsi reciprocamente, fino ai loro più drammatici segreti.
Abruzzo, 1943.
One day at the end of September, just before dawn, the quiet of the woods is broken by struggling noises. Two men fight for their lives. Suddenly, a gunshot blasts, and then the woods return to silence.
Not far from there two siblings, Santina, 16, and Vittorio, 12, live in a secluded homestead. They take care of a small sheep herd and wait for their father to return from the battle field.
In the last few weeks, sheep have been mysteriously killed by someone or something. An old woman who lives in the woods (and is for sure a witch) has warned the kids about demons and werewolves. Scouting the woods, Santina finds a wounded, young boy, Thomas. She is good hearted like her father, and she decides to bring the young boy home.
Vittorio is enraged because if this soldier is in fact an enemy soldier, it would be dangerous to host him! Santina doesn’t want to hear a word because the young soldier is terribly injured, and she wants to take care of him.
Vittorio is brave but young and he needs a big brother, so maybe it’s a good thing that Thomas is there? Santina is a woman-to-be, and Thomas is very handsome and kind.Maybe he is a good suitor? Starting a new friendship could be the solution everyone needs.
Disegni: Valentina Griner
Sceneggiatura: Valentina Griner – Leonardo D’Agostini
Soggetto: Leonardo D’Agostini – Pietro Albino Di Pasquale